Learn Guitar Online Lessons

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Should I Learn Guitar Scales?

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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Do you really need to spend any of your valuable time learning guitar scales and theory?

The argument that a guitarists will use to not learn any type of theory is that they will be in danger of losing there originality. They won?t be able to be or sound like themselves, they will be caught up and constrained within the confines of rules and regulations. The only problem with that kind of thinking is that you are in danger of not growing and progressing as a musician.

All basic lead guitar instruction courses at the root level will tell you to learn chords, scales and arpeggios because they know that you will gain a greater understanding of how the music process inter-grates and works together, you will expand your playing with new possibilities and concepts, rather than the reverse.

And here is the most important factor. A lot of self taught musicians tend to suffer from episodes of self doubt because of not knowing what to play, which in turn can breed insecurities and lack of self confidence in your playing.

Knowledge is power as they say, so if you want to advance your guitar playing to expert status as a lead guitar improviser or if you want to be taken seriously as a professional musician, there is no two ways about it, you are going to have to set some time aside to practise modes, scales and learn notes on your guitar fretboard.

Here are some pointers you might want to keep in mind when getting started.

1. 5 or 10 minutes a day of disciplined practise will yield more results than 10 years of picking up your guitar and ?noodling? about, sitting on the end of your bed.

2. Set aside ten minutes for a practise session and decide before hand what it is you are going to do and learn. Too many guitarists tell me they practised for 8 hours a day and when I ask them what did you learn - I?m not usually given a clear answer.

3. Always use a drum machine or metronome when practising as you will learn in time that timing is everything.

4. You don?t have to practise at the speed of sound when you start. You will find most guitarists who play fast, find out that speed is not what music or guitaring is really about and end up going back to their roots and playing melodic phrases that satisfy themselves.

5. Don?t beat yourself up because you are not Steve Vai or Dave Gilmour after 2 weeks.

Also, something that isn?t discussed very often about practising guitar scales or modes or arpeggios is that it doesn?t have to be drudgery and boredom. Spending 10 or 20 minutes a day working on the theory aspect of your playing will yield benefits far beyond what you can come up with on your own. I don?t think that there is a single musician on the planet who has spent time learning theory and said I wish I hadn?t have spent all that time learning all that crap.

Conclusion: If you want to advance your playing or write songs that are original and express who you really are, you should consider opening yourself to some solid theory because the road to originality is through other peoples stuff. If you have a good working knowledge of guitar scales, you will identify what your favourite players are up to and be able to duplicate those phrases in all keys for yourself.

Get Your Free Copy Of The Visual Modal Guitar Blueprint - Version 1. The Complete Full Colour Blueprint Of guitar scales, Modes, Arpeggios & Pentatonics Over Chords Using The CAGED System.

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

5 Tips To Learn To Play Guitar Online - Free Ecourse

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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5 Tips To Learn To Play Guitar Online

Learning to play guitar or any musical instrument is always a test of a person's true determination. Inspiration sparks the idea but persistance needs to carry it through.

Getting off to a good start is so important but can be confusing as there is now so much choice. There are a number of vendors we can visit to learn to play guitar online but which one is right for the new student?

In my experience, you want lessons that fully utilise as much multimedia as possible that engages and interacts with the student that wants to learn to play guitar online. Just so it can mimick what a normal guitar tutor would usually do for a student.

Tip 1:
I believe video lessons are essential so a student can view how his chordal and strumming technique should be when you learn to play guitar online. This would closer emulate a traditional guitar lesson situation rather than trying to figure things out from a book.

Tip 2:
Software or games that develop a students basic understanding of music theory is also highly recommended. Basic music theory will certainly open the doors to understand why you do certain things with regards to keys and scales.

Tip 3:
Also the ability to develop rock solid timing is important in my book. Generally, alot of students aren't used to this kind of performing because they have been used to practising in 'freetime'.

Tip 4:
Any additional backing music that a student can play along to that emulates a band environment is a huge bonus. This is what transitions a guitarist from the bedroom into the practise room with the greatest of ease so any program that incorporates a metronome is a tremendous asset to the student.

Tip 5:
Anything that helps to develop the 'musical ear' when you learn to play guitar online should be a factor as well. It's the recognition of subtle nuances in pitch and performance that can really speed up the learning process.

A nice extra when you learn to play guitar online is if the lessons include a guitar tuner of some sort. In the early stages, a student's musical ear isn't that developed and tuning a guitar can be a real hassle. Definitely a nice bonus.

As a tutor, I've found the Jamorama course does a great job to cover all the tips above in one package and is tremendous value.

Free Jamorama Introductory Course

Jamorama provides a free 6 part e-course which includes audio and video content along with music learning software. It's definitely worth signing up just for this alone.

You can visit Jamorama here to learn alot more about them and the great lessons package they provide.

Thank you for reading:
5 Tips To Learn To Play Guitar Online

Chris Yong is guitar tutor and professional musician based in New Zealand. Please visit http://www.redlinemusic.co.nz.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

How To Learn To Play The Guitar

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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If you want to know how to learn to play the guitar then there are two things I would suggest to you right now, they are - Get a manual or a guide of some sort and practise, practise, practise.

These are the two most important factors for how to learn to play the guitar, find out how to do it and practise until you get better.

In this article I am going to give you some tips that I hope will help you in learning to play the guitar, here you are:

*Have a schedule - This can be very effective if you wish to progress fast and really learn to play quickly, what you should do is make a schedule for each day of the week and have times set for which you learn and which you practise, if you can create a good schedule and you can stick to it then you should get much better pretty fast, it may also be quite a good idea to have someone, maybe a family member, remind you of your schedule and help you stick to it.

*Stay motivated - It can be very easy to get bored and give up something, not just guitar but anything in life, this is something you will probably have to experience at some stage in your guitar learning, you will probably have a day or two when you just can't be bothered or you are feeling tired but these are just excuses and you need to keep yourself motivated enough to keep going even when you don't want to, it's the only way to get better.

*Enjoy it - Don't think of practising as some sort of "chore" or something that you have to do, think of it as something that is fun and enjoyable and you will find it much easier to do it and in fact, you will actually more than likely look forward to doing it. Remember, playing the guitar is not a chore, it's a fun and great experience.

These are just a few tips on how to learn to play the guitar and I hope you have found them helpful, I hope you get started with learning to play the guitar and that you progress quickly and become an excellent player in no time.

Discover How You Can Quickly And Easily Play The Guitar:http://the-internet-marketer.com/LearnBassGuitar

It's The Easiest Way To Get Great At Playing Guitar!

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Learn to Play Guitar - A Beginner's Guide

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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This article is devoted to learning how to play guitar (and even those just thinking about learning to play or giving the gift of music to a loved one) and how to approach gaining some kind of proficiency on the instrument. Now, we've all seen people playing the guitar at various times, sometimes on TV, sometimes up close (a real treat), playing various kinds of music and at varying skill levels. I think the hardest obstacle to overcome when you're learning how to play the guitar or thinking about starting is the thought that playing the guitar is only something musicians can do, or is only for people who are musically inclined. The simple fact is that anyone can learn to play the guitar. It's just a matter of spending some time with it on a regular basis, and practicing in a manner that's both fun and productive. Once it becomes part of your routine, it's only a matter of time before your skill level and confidence develop.

When I started learning the guitar, there were a couple of learning aids I found to be indispensable. They include:

  • Learning to Play Guitar Chord Reference Book - This is really helpful when you're not sure how to play an F chord or a B minor, or want to learn some other ways to play it
  • Artist Songbook - This is a songbook which has the piano, lyrics, and guitar chords to your artist's favorite songs, and is great for learning how to strum and change from chord to chord
  • Classical Guitar Book - This helps you familiarize yourself with the feel of scales and arpeggios, and also improves your sight reading
  • Guitar Tab Songbook - As you progress, you're going to want to play some of the guitar parts from your favorite songs note-for-note, meaning exactly as your favorite guitarist plays them. This type of book has the music for this both in standard notation and guitar tablature

I had a very insightful guitar teacher who started off each lesson by showing me a new chord and how to play it. Some good chord reference books that tackle these types of chords are the Whole Book of Guitar Chords and The First Book of Chords for the Guitar both written by Dan Fox. Once I had a feel for the chord, he would choose a song from a songbook from one of my favorite bands that used this chord (say a B minor or an A7) and would have me learn that song using an appropriate strum pattern. My mom played the piano, and would often visit the music store to buy sheet music songbooks from her favorite artists, so eventually I got her to buy me a few gems of this type:

  • Beatles Complete - This is a valuable book for two reasons. One is that it's The Beatles. The second is that The Beatles composed songs with relatively few and very easy to play chords ("I Saw Her Standing There" has three), and also songs with many and often unorthodox chords ("Michelle" has, um, a lot), especially when used in rock music. This makes it a great vehicle for learning new chords incrementally via their songs
  • Neil Young - Decade - My brother wore out this recording and when I started playing some of the tunes from it on the guitar, it gave his little brother some instant credibility. Many of the songs in this book were recorded by Neil on the acoustic guitar, so it lends itself to the beginner who's learning on an acoustic
  • Led Zeppelin Complete - This is a strange and beautiful book. It has the main guitar riffs for every Led Zeppelin song on the first five albums (I - IV and House of the Holy) but it's in standard notation. I spent a summer learning every song in this book and not only did my guitar playing improve, but so did my sight reading
  • Eric Clapton Deluxe Revised - This contains some of the best songs from Cream, the Layla disc by Derek and the Dominoes, and some of Eric's early solo work, but it's unique in that it has a separate section with some of Eric's best guitar solos transcribed. Eric is a great role model when you start learning how to play a guitar solo, because some of his solos are simple enough that they can be played by a beginning-intermediate guitar player (though it takes a lifetime to learn to play it with as much feeling as Eric)
  • Once we covered the chord of the week and the song that went with it, we would tackle a classical piece. One of the best classical books I can recommend, especially if you're not a classical guitarist, is Classical Studies for Pick-Style Guitar - Volume 1. This book is great for developing your right-hand picking and also for developing your sight reading since all the music is in standard notation. There are some interesting pieces by Matteo Carcassi, which require you to arpeggiate various chords, and also some Bach Inventions that are arranged for duet guitar, so you can play with a friend. You can hear how this sounds in an on-line guitar lesson I created at WholeNote - Bach's 8th Invention.

    The one thing that's changed over the past decade in sheet music for guitarists is the emergence of guitar tab songbooks. In the late 1990's, an archive of guitar tablature files was collectively created and dubbed the On-Line Guitar Archives (OLGA), in which random guitarists from around the world created text files containing their own transcriptions of how to play your favorite songs by your favorite bands. The problem was that the quality and accuracy of the transcription was hit or miss. Sheet music companies finally wised up and started releasing accurate note-for-note transcription books, which were the real deal. In my day, you were a god if you could play the guitar solo, "Eruption", played by Eddie Van Halen off Van Halen I, because you had to learn it by ear off the record, which is pretty much impossible. Today, you can just buy the Van Halen I guitar tab songbook and get all the music for Eruption both in guitar tab and standard notation. Oh, and they also throw in the rest of the songs from Van Halen I, and from Van Halen II, as well. I've always loved the whacked-out intro that Eddie plays in Mean Street, which opens the Fair Warning recording. The Van Halen Guitar Anthology Series has the tab for this, note for note, including every last harmonic, pick scrape, bend, and tap. It's unbelievable. And it's not just Van Halen. You can find similar guitar tab songbooks for The Beatles, Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dave Matthews Band, Nirvana, Green Day, Audioslave and pretty much anyone else you can think of.

    Finally, as you develop your practice routine, the one thing most often overlooked during practice is being able to play in time. When you start to get comfortable with chords and strumming, there's a natural tendency to stop or to hesitate while switching between chords. A good metronome will make you aware of this and force you to play in time. The Qwik Time QT-7 Quartz Metronome is a good budget option and provides a good click, while the Wittner Wood Case Metronome w/ Bell and Cover is the kind you can hang onto forever and pass along from generation to generation (and I should know - I have one from my grandfather). The Fender MT-1000 Chromatic Tuner/Metronome is unique in that you get both a metronome and a guitar tuner in one convenient package. Very handy, indeed.

    You too can learn to play the guitar today! Hopefully, this gives you a bit of direction as you learn to play the guitar. Remember that it's simply a matter of spending some time regularly practicing some of the basics and then applying them to your favorite music. Keep expanding your knowledge of the basic chords and learn to play songs that use them, along with the strumming patterns of the tune. Combined with some classical pieces for dexterity and developing your sight-reading chops, you'll be well on your way to mastering the guitar in no time!

    Christopher Sung Learn to Play Guitar

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Learn About The Guitar Amp And How It Works

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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Guitar Amplifiers

Chances are you?ve just bought your first Electric guitar and wish to find out all about guitar amps. Maybe you?re just curious as to how long amps have been around, how they work, or which to purchase. Whatever the reason, by reading this article, you?ll get answers.

History of the Amplifier

Guitar amps have been around for roughly 70 years now, having first appeared during the 1930s. The earliest amps had very poor high treble and bass responses. This was improved over time, as amps became better developed. During the ?60s, the guitar amp greatly evolved to where it is today when guitarists of that era experimented with deliberately overloading their amp to create Distortion. From that point on, most amps were provided with preamp distortion controls. Playing with distortion has since become an important part of Electric guitar playing.

Types of Amplifiers

There are two types of amps: solid state and vacuum tube amps. Additionally, there are some amps that combine both solid state and tube technologies. Most amps, especially the least expensive ones, are solid state because they are lighter and easier to repair than tube amps are. A lot of guitarists, however, prefer the tube amp due to the tube amp?s analog sensitivity, which they claim makes tube amps sound better. While this is probably the case, most beginners can?t afford to shell out the $500-$1000 it costs to buy a good tube amp. That?s why solid state amps are actually a good buy in some cases.

Solid state and vacuum tube amps come in combo (speakers and head) packages or separately. Guitarists who aren?t picky can just buy the combo, while those who are picky can ?mix and match? heads and speakers. This is useful for those looking to achieve a certain sound.

How Amps Work/What Watts Mean

Without going into a big, long, technical explanation, amplifiers basically take the vibration (sound) of the string(s) and amplify it, thereby increasing the sound. If you wish to find out more about the technical side of guitar amps, there are several good books that cover the topic pretty thoroughly.

Each amplifier has a certain number of watts. The higher the number of watts, the louder the sound produced by the amp is. Generally speaking, those who wish to play shows will want to get amplifiers with at least 30 watts, preferably at least 50 watts, especially if they plan on playing at larger venues.

Gray Rollins writes for GuitarsLand.com - a site to help people learn about the guitar and how to play it. To learn more about guitar amps, be sure to visit GuitarsLand.com

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

So You Want To Learn To Play Guitar?

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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So, you have decided you want to learn to play guitar? It seems that over the last few years, the number of people who are turning to the internet for a way to learn to play guitar is rapidly increasing. You can get your first guitar online, and even get your guitar instruction in the form of online guitar lessons, or a learn to play guitar course. To help you choose wisely, here are some things to keep in mind.

Assuming you don?t already have one, getting your first beginner guitar can be a chore. There are so many options, and without some previous knowledge of guitar, those choices can be really overwhelming. There seems to be a pervasive myth that a beginner guitar must be acoustic or classical. That?s just not true. If your guitar heroes play an electric guitar, then get one. You?ll save yourself the trouble of buying another guitar a few weeks or months down the road when you?ve started to learn to play guitar, and want something better.

Unless you are actually going to play classical music, I would strongly advise you stay away from a classical guitar. They are more delicate, and not designed to work with a pick. Most music is played with a pick, and you?ll damage your guitar quickly with one. You also cannot put steel strings on a classical guitar, it will quite literally fold in half from the tension.

Don?t be afraid to buy a guitar online. In this day and age, most beginner guitars are made overseas in Korea or China, and are all of similar quality so just pick the one that looks good to you. Purchase from a reputable dealer, one that offers a money back satisfaction guarantee, most will.

The greatest advances have been made in the guitar instruction that has become available over the internet. There are subscription based sites where you can have access to hundreds of lessons, usually including audio, video, and written materials. There are also many good learn to play guitar software packages you can get. Many of them are instantly downloadable, and allow you to be learning how to play your guitar within minutes of your purchase. This all happens from the comfort of your computer chair at any time.

Just like any new thing, be prepared for a learning curve. You need to practice at least 10 or 20 minutes each day to see progress. Anyone can learn to play guitar with a little persistence and time. The internet has finally made it accessible to anyone who wants to.

John Franklin is a professional guitar teacher. John has been teaching for over 20 years and enjoys helping other people learn how to play guitar.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Learn How To Play Guitar Free

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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You can learn to play guitar free. How? I hear you ask. With the power of the internet, of course. No longer are expensive guitar instructor lessons required for you to master your guitar playing.
You simply need to do a quick web search, find the guitar tabs you are after and begin playing. Easy as that!

Online guitar lessons have become the next big thing. In fact, it is the current big thing and probably will be for the rest of time.

The good news is that many of them are completely free. You can learn to play guitar free with these online lessons, and it is actually much easier than going to real world guitar classes, as you can pause, rewind and have complete control over what you are learning.

The free online guitar lessons take the form of simple guitar tabs, audio lessons and even video lessons where you are able to see someone play guitar and all you need to do is mimic him! It really is as good as having Eric Clapton sitting next to you. People have mastered their guitar playing ability solely through learning to play guitar free online. Ten years ago that would have been unheard of, with people spending many thousands of dollars to play guitar. These days the majority of amateurs are learning online.

It takes dedication and discipline to learn to play guitar free using the Internet. There is no one to tell you when to practice or how long to play for. If you have the desire to succeed in your guitar playing, you will be greatly rewarded once you begin to read guitar tabs and learn the basics of guitar playing from online courses and websites.

With the ease of learning guitar for free, there is no reason why you can not become a fantastic player within a matter of just a few months. In fact, from the time I learnt to read guitar tabs to when I was first able to play a full rock song on guitar, the time taken was less than a month.
So what are you waiting for? Pick up that guitar and start playing!

Davo is a musician and blogger. He provides helpful articles, tips and tools for guitar learners at his blog. Learn To Play Guitar Free Online with Joe's email course at his blog.

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Monday, December 17, 2007

The Best Way To Learn Guitar For Everyone

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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There are as many reasons why people want to play guitar as there are guitar players. The best way to learn guitar for everyone who wants to play, is going to be a course of study that targets each person's own musical aspirations.

The first step to learning how to play the guitar, is to decide what one wants to do or accomplish by learning how to play. Once a person knows what they want to accomplish by learning to play, then they can target the specific course of study to help them reach their personal musical goals.

To simplify things I will separate people who want to learn guitar into four groups, A through D. I will then offer suggestions for what approach each group should take to reach their personal goals.

Group A - Amateur. People in this group are those who want to play for fun and recreation. Included in this group are those who just want to strum chords and play songs.

Group A - Suggested course of study. First choose an acoustic guitar rather than an electric guitar. A beginner acoustic guitar that plays well and stays in tune can be purchased new for around $300. Only a basic knowledge of music theory is recquired to learn how to strum chords and play simple tunes. One year of lessons is plenty for those in group A. One year should be enough to learn how to string, tune, and play the common chords one needs to know to begin playing songs. On average, guitar lessons will cost about $15 for a thirty minute lesson.

It should be noted, that knowing a handful of the most common chords will allow one to learn thousands of songs. There is enough easy guitar music available to keep a person busy for a lifetime of learning simple tunes. If a person cannot afford lessons or a teacher is not available, then an online course is the next best thing. I still highly recommend that a new player should get at least a few lessons from a teacher to be sure they get pointed in the right drection. Most music stores offer lessons, some even offer a free lesson just for making a purchase. A live teacher is always better than a book or video because a teacher can be asked a question, and a teacher can also tailor a course of study that meets the needs of each individual.

Group B - Semi-professional. This group includes people who want to get to the semi-professional level. People in Group B are those who want to play electric and acoustic guitar. This group consist of those who want to play some lead guitar styles such as blues, pop, country, and rock. People in this group may want to perform solo or with a band to have some fun and maybe even make some extra money playing parties or clubs on the weekends.

Group B - Suggested course of sudy. People in this group should also choose an acoustic guitar to begin learning, however to play lead styles an electric guitar will probably be helpful once one has a basic grasp on making chords, strumming and picking. Those in this group only need a basic knowledge of music theory, however more emphasis should be placed on chord and scale theory than those in Group A. People in Group B should learn how to read guitar tablature. One year of lessons should be fine for this group, however some online courses will be very helpful in addition to the formal guitar lessons with a teacher.

Group C - Professional without a music degree. This group would include those who want to be professional guitar players. These people want to make a living playing guitar. Players in this group are those who are mostly self taught, have little or no formal training, play by ear, and read tablature but not music notes. Most of the people in this group want to perform and or record music as a solo artist or as a member of a band.

Group C - Suggested course of study. People in this group should also get one year of basic formal music study with a teacher. A basic grasp of music theory is essential for Group C, and a thorough knowledge of chord and scale theory as well. Those in this group will benefit by being very good with tablature and lead sheets. Because people in group C are not music readers, they will need to develop their "play by ear" capabilities to a very high level. Players in this group need to polish their playing. Polish comes from concentrated practice sessions for a minimum of two hours evey day. Many professional guitar players practice six hours a day or more.

Stage performance and business savvy are required skills at the professional level, and in many cases can be the difference between those who crack the big time and those who do not.

Group D - Professional Guitarist/Musician. People in this group want to become professional guitar players and musicians. This group would include those who want to play and perform complex forms of music such as classicl and jazz. People in this group may want to play in the symphony orchestra, become session musicians, or perform and record as a solo artist or as part of a band. People in Group D are those who want to pursue a classical musical education and gain a music degree. People in this group would have a thorough understanding of music theory and would be able to sight read traditional music notes flawlessly. People in this group will likely be proficient with a second instrument, most often piano.

Group D - Suggested course of study. Those who fall into this group need a solid foundation of music theory and composition, so traditional music study with a teacher is imperative. Those in this group need to be excellent music readers and the training should start at an early age, elementary school age or younger would be best. A working knowledge of piano is recommended for Group D, because most major music programs require piano as a primary or secondary instrument as a prerequisite for acceptance into the program.

Many musicians in this category continue concentrated areas of specialized study with master instructors after college. For people in this group the study of music and their instrument never really ends. It should go without saying that a major commitment is required for anyone looking to become part of this group.

Well, I hope this article helps those looking for the best way to learn guitar to know the best course of action to take to accomplish their musical goals. With all of these groups it is important to practice every day. It is better to practice at least thirty minutes every day, then to practice for hours one day and then not pick up your instrument for a day or a few days. It is daily repetitions that produce the desired results and eventual success in learning to play the guitar.

Visualization is a powerful tool and should be used by everyone.

Finally, associating with other players who are at or slightly above one's own level is a great way to learn regardless of skill level.

More discussion can be found on this topic at my blog. If you are reading this article and you cannot get a professional teacher for what ever reason, then I suggest an online course. Most of the programs on the net are pretty good and are affordable. My favorite online course is under $40. and offers video lessons, jam-tracks, and lots of great tab. You can learn more at http://twentyfan.jamorama.hop.clickbank.net/ Good luck everyone!

Michael is a fitness instructor and consultant. He is a performing musician and former guitarest of the group Crystal Axxe. Michael served 4 years in U.S. Army and is currently working toward a B.S. in political science at Univ. Of Cincinnati. He also acts as consumer advocat reviewing on line products. Michael host a blog at http://hillbillyadvocat.blogspot.com He has authored numerous books, booklets and articles on fitness, music, politics, and art.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Learn Guitar Free And Easily Online

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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Learning to play guitar for free online has never been easier. Absolutely anyone can sit down, load up a website, pick up their guitar and immediately begin learning basic chords and notes. This soon progresses to learning parts of your favorite songs.

Guitar tabs allow you to learn just about any song you want. Tabs make reading music easy for those of us who are not so musically inclined to be able to read traditional sheet music.
Personally, I went from not being able to play a chord to being able to play some of my favorite rock songs all within just a couple of months of practice every day. If you have one hour per day, learning to play guitar free and easily online will soon lead you to be an accomplished musician. And with practice, you can only improve your guitar playing skills!

Guitar tabs will show you how to play the most common guitar chords such as D, C and G. These are the most basic form of guitar playing and you can literally learn these in seconds if you are learning to play guitar online.

Once you know the basics of reading guitar tabs, you can play any song your heart desires. If the tab is accurate, your playing will sound superb.

There is also specialized software which will play back the sound of a chord or note for you, from which you can then mimic with your guitar. This is a fantastic method of knowing if your playing is in tune and accurate.

Taking this even further, my favourite guitar website, Jamora provides VIDEO of people playing the exact notes or song you want to learn. You are able to watch their finger movements, slow down, pause and rewind the video until you can copy exactly what they are doing. Does it get any easier than this?

Check Jamora Out: http://jamora.quickly-learn-guitar.com

For the cost of one guitar lesson, Jamora will convert you from a beginner into a guitar GURU!

As you can see, learning to play guitar can be free or cost very little, and be so easy online. No longer do you require expensive guitar lessons. Anyone can do it and best of all, you can learn any time of day, not just when your instructor is ready!

Joe Davies is the Chief Blogger at the Learn Guitar Free Blog. He plays guitar and writes songs, aswell as writing an ebook on songwriting.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Learn How To Play That Guitar

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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In this world with all kinds of styles of music and bands, finding someone to teach you what you really dream of playing is kind of tough. The problem is finding a teacher who?ll give you a good guitar lesson that doesn?t include all the stuff that really doesn?t matter when it comes down to just playing a song.

You can practice for many hours to replicate your favorite guitar player playing style, but when you have the proper instruction you have the path to get to the point of playing fluently you will be able to copy the style and get it down.

Some play fast and narrow and others play wide and slow, this is how you learn how to use different vibrato techniques, practice and more practice. Once you?ve achieved a basic understanding of the correct notes and sounds you are ready to start learning how to tune by ear. The traditional way of learning guitar is by taking private lessons from a guitar teacher. The number of choices is overwhelming, ranging from distance instruction learning or online lessons. Today there are many options to learn how to play instruments whether you like rock, jazz, rock or classical music, these are just a few of the many types of music.

The key to mastering the guitar successfully is in making the chord changes which will help in playing the instrument. They are the C major chord, G major chord, and the D major chord. You should spend hours practicing chords and scales forms and all the while making sure that each note sounds perfect.

But you will find that if you use these simple scale forms in conjunction with an appropriate chord progression this will sound good more often. A chord progression based on the A minor chord will sound good with A minor pentatonic and a C major chord will sound good with C major scale.

When learning how to play the guitar, often many people form and create bad habits which does not help with the playing of the guitar, they need to work twice as hard to switch to good habits and get back on track.. These bad habits are easy to overcome once the person realizes that he has them and becomes familiar with the proper way to play the guitar.

You know the saying, practice makes perfect. But it is something you should try to incorporate into your practice as regularly as possible if you want to see a real improvement in the solos and melodies you make on guitar.

David Marc Fishman is the owner of tipsquad.com Ask an expert how to do things via video.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

How To Learn Bass Guitar

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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Many people believe that learning bass guitar is something that is very hard to do when, in fact, it is actually quite easy to learn. The great thing about it is that you only have to learn to play small pieces at a time and you can progress very quickly in your learning stages. There are many people that want to know how to learn bass guitar but simply don't know where to go and what to get in order to do so.

How to learn bass guitar

First of all, let me say that if you are a complete beginner to this instrument or any instrument for that matter, you will find that it is not only very easy to learn but is also extremely enjoyable, if you feel like you are not progressing enough or that it is a little hard for you (not likely) then just slow down and go over things at your own pace, the rewards are great when you do learn bass guitar so stick with it and don't give up.

If you have a family member or friend that has a bass guitar then it would probably be a good idea to just get fimiliar with the instrument, you do not have to get good at playing it at this stage but instead just get into a comfortable position with it and go over the different parts of it, this is simply to let you understand a little more about the instrument, you do not have to do this, it is not essential but can be a nice little introduction to it.

You may also wish to watch someone else who knows how to learn bass guitar, as in, someone that has learnt it before and see how they do things, this will give you an idea of what it is like for someone in your position and they may even be able to give you a few tips about learning how to play it.

Of course, if you wish to learn to play then you will need to get yourself a guitar or at least rent one, so get yourself one somehow and again, get a feel for it and become comfortable with it.

The first real step to learning to play bass guitar is to simply find a manual or instruction guide that will walk you through the process easily and in my opinion, this is a better way to learn than hiring a teacher or going to a class simply because it allows you to do things at your own pace and if you feel uncomfortable trying to play in front of others, you will be able to do everything in your own home or somewhere you can be alone, you can find a manual on the internet.

Discover how you can quickly and easily learn how to play bass guitar at:

==> http://the-internet-marketer.com/LearnBassGuitar You will know how to learn bass guitar in no time at all.

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Learning The Guitar

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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In this world with all kinds of styles of music and bands, finding someone to teach you what you really dream of playing is kind of tough. The problem is finding a teacher who'll give you a good guitar lesson that doesn't include all the stuff that really doesn't matter when it comes down to just playing a song.

You can practice for many hours to replicate your favorite guitar player playing style, but when you have the proper instruction you have the path to get to the point of playing fluently you will be able to copy the style and get it down. Some play fast and narrow and others play wide and slow, this is how you learn how to use different vibrato techniques, practice and more practice. Once you've achieved a basic understanding of the correct notes and sounds you are ready to start learning how to tune by ear. The traditional way of learning guitar is by taking private lessons from a guitar teacher. The number of choices is overwhelming, ranging from distance instruction learning or online lessons. Today there are many options to learn how to play instruments whether you like rock, jazz, rock or classical music, these are just a few of the many types of music.

The key to mastering the guitar successfully is in making the chord changes which will help in playing the instrument. They are the C major chord, G major chord, and the D major chord. You should spend hours practicing chords and scales forms and all the while making sure that each note sounds perfect.

But you will find that if you use these simple scale forms in conjunction with an appropriate chord progression this will sound good more often. A chord progression based on the A minor chord will sound good with A minor pentatonic and a C major chord will sound good with C major scale.

When learning how to play the guitar, often many people form and create bad habits which does not help with the playing of the guitar, they need to work twice as hard to switch to good habits and get back on track.. These bad habits are easy to overcome once the person realizes that he has them and becomes familiar with the proper way to play the guitar.

You know the saying, practice makes perfect. But it is something you should try to incorporate into your practice as regularly as possible if you want to see a real improvement in the solos and melodies you make on guitar.

David Marc Fishman is the owner of tipsquad.com. The new how to via video

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Guitar Learning and Playing the Guitar

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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Guitar Instruction Available Online

The internet has many of resources and opportunities for learning how to play the guitar. Although there are a many great resources available, sometimes the quality of the resource is less than desirable. For that reason, it is necessary to make sure the resources you choose to use have a great background.

The guitar is an incredible musical instrument. There are so many different types of music a guitar player can play. Blues, rock, classical, jazz are all an option depending on the kind of guitar you possess and your instrument. Many guitarists learn a number of differing styles and combine elements of each in their playing.

History of the Guitar

Today?s guitar has its roots in different ancient string musical instruments that come from Asia. A number of guitar styles have come and left since the Renaissance era, however, the one that is here today is just about a completely different musical instrument. Of course, stylistic differences exist between the guitars in a number of different eras. For example, Baroque guitars which are close to classical guitars are different than today?s classical guitars due to their difference in size.

In modern times, there are a number of guitars that are designed to be used within certain types of music. A few examples include flamenco guitars, classical guitars, bass guitars, electric guitars, and steel string acoustic guitars. The acoustic guitar has a larger body than the electric guitar. The electric guitar does not require a large body due to the projection of the sound by the electronics. In an acoustic guitar, the body contributes to the projection of the sound.

Famous People Who Play The Guitar

Since the musical instrument has been around for a long time, there have been many people throughout the past who have become famous for themselves by playing the guitar. Several of these individuals revolutionized guitar playing in one way or another. Others are known for their technical ability with the guitar. Many people have the want to become educated on how to play the guitar due to certain bands or certain guitarists. Also, that is why the guitar has been a popular musical instrument for a long time.

Individuals who have revolutionized the guitar in one way or another include Carlos Santana, Jimi Hendrix, Chuck Berry, and Jimmy Page. Famous flamenco and classical players include the Romeros, Paco de Lucia, and John Williams. Larry Carlton, Steve Vai, and Joe Satrioni are some examples of individuals who have built a lucrative solo career using the electric guitar; and Al Di Meola is known for his technique and plays classical and jazz pieces.

There are a large number of genres of the guitar, and there are many great players out there due to it. There are individuals who are popular within those different types of music. Depending on what music you like the most, those are the individuals you may desire to model your guitar playing after. If you are interested in playing the guitar, you may also be interested in more than one style. This interest can contribute to making you a better guitar player.

The Positive Aspects of Playing the Guitar

Learning how to play a musical instrument is something that helps a number of areas of your life. So if you are considering playing the guitar or involving a child with the guitar, these positive aspects are some things to consider. Much of this information regarding the benefits of guitar playing comes from well documented studies.

Beside the fact that playing the guitar playing is entertaining, there are many other benefits. It can contribute to increased self confidence and self esteem. Playing any musical instrument in addition to the guitar can instill a sense of discipline. Young ones especially learn that unless they practice often, they will not get good at playing. It also contributes to the increase of knowledge and learning in other subjects, such as language and math. Playing the guitar is also a good avenue to unwind and relax after a difficult day.

Every individual has their own reasons for their desire to learn how to play the guitar. The benefits of playing the guitar hold regardless of who chooses to play. However, the reasons for playing the guitar may or may not have anything to do with the positive aspects.

Careers for People Who Play The Guitar

Many guitar players discover that in order to earn a real living with the guitar, they need to do a few different things:

Perform or Start a Band

Unless the band becomes famous, it is difficult to earn a complete living in a band. However, networking with other musicians, in addition to writing and playing your own music, can be really satisfying. The downside is that it is not always stable. An income only comes if you can reserve a gig. You can also make extra money by recording a CD. There are a number of options today for making your own CDs using the computer. Also, You can become a solo guitar player if your type of music is something like flamenco or classical.

Be a Guitar Teacher

Many guitar players earn some of their income by teaching guitar. Search the rates in your local area to find out what individuals are paying for guitar lessons. It will vary depending on where you live. You can create a pretty stable, regular income that you can earn in addition to performing and selling CD?s.

Studio Musician

In addition to teaching music and performing, being a studio musician is also an option. Other performers will pay you to record guitar parts for their music. The positive aspect of this is that you can develop a solid client list if you prove your ability in the studio. However, it is necessary to be knowledgeable and well versed in several different types of music to have the best opportunity at making it.

Selling the Extras

There are many extra ways you can make a living by playing the guitar. You can create and self publish DVD?s and lessons, you can create a money generating website about the guitar, and you could sell downloadable versions of your music on the internet. If you are really good with the computer and how to run a business, you can really make a good income that can support your other guitar activities.

I hope this information was helpful to you!

FREE Reprint Rights - You may publish this article in your e-zine or on your website as long as you include the following information:

To find guitar lessons online, in addition to videos, tips, and resources on playing the guitar, please visit: http://www.guitargrand.com

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

You Can Learn to Play the Guitar

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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In high school, did you ever dream about starting your own rock band? Want to duplicate the soothing sounds of folk tunes for family and friends? Does your favorite musician work magic with a Gibson ES 335? Is Jimi Hendrix your idol? It doesn?t matter the reason why you want to play the guitar - a seed has been planted and now it is time to nurture the desire.

Where to begin? Playing guitar (whether for fun or professionally) takes patience and determination. By following a few tips, you can harness your passion or interest for the instrument. You will also find that fueling your creativity and developing this new form of expression will take time. Great guitar players do not blossom overnight.

Purchasing a Guitar

Before you start learning the ropes of guitar playing, you?re going to need an instrument to carry out your lessons. The type of music you wish to play will determine the kind of guitar you require. For example, an acoustic guitar is used to generate the sounds of country, ragtime or folk. The body of the guitar is large and hollow, creating a sound that many deem ?natural.? Rock music often utilizes an electric guitar, which offers a rather distinctive amplified sound. Additional guitars to look into include the steel, solid body, archtop, resonator, bass and twelve-string guitar.

With the purchase of a guitar, there are other necessary pieces of basic equipment. A guitar pick is required to help play the chords of your instrument. The size of guitar pick is quite small, prompting easy breakage and it can also be easily misplaced. This is why beginners should have a good number of guitar picks on hand. When purchasing picks, the medium gauge varieties are suggested because they are less apt to break. You should also invest in a comfortable chair.

Getting Lessons

While some guitar players are able to naturally experiment with chords by ear and strum along with less guidance, others require the assistance of structured lessons. There are numerous ways to learn how to play the guitar. If you are able to afford a private tutor, you can take advantage of one-on-one instruction, which may speed up the learning process. Sometimes, beginners benefit from group learning, which provides a wealth of constructive criticism. The Internet also offers a way for beginners to privately learn online. Some websites offer a computer keyboard lesson on learning scales, which some beginners find quite easy.

Whichever approach you take in learning to play guitar, you should know that setting goals for yourself makes the process more rewarding. Achieving personal milestones further motivates your desire to find a common ground with the instrument and who knows how far your lessons will take you.

Recognizing why you want to play guitar in the first place will also help you to better accomplish your goals. Some people want to learn to play for fun, peaking with a performance in front of family and friends. Others would like to share their talents with a slightly larger crowd, probably visiting a few coffee shops or open-mic nights. Then there are the masses of learners who have bigger dreams of taking to a stage in front of thousands. No matter what the goal is, you can?t get there without loads of practice.

What You Will Learn

Guitar lessons usually start with building a basic foundation, such as how to properly hold the guitar and establishing correct posture when playing. There is a wide range of techniques involved in playing the guitar and after a few lessons, you may start to find your niche.

One of the most important things to focus on when playing a guitar is understanding and mastering the chords. There are books and charts to help you along this important part of the process. There are many different chords to familiarize yourself with and taking them one at a time will lead to better results.

Additional areas of guitar instruction may include learning how to properly hold a pick, memorizing scales, tackling music theory and selecting a music style. Instrument maintenance, such as tuning and caring for your guitar is also of importance.

Sticking With It

Staying motivated is one of the best things you can do when learning to play the guitar. It is easy to become frustrated with a new project and abandon it before truly experiencing any benefits. On some days, you may have to dig deep to reclaim your passion and dedication. Other days, you could be composing the next pop hit. Give the process a chance and remember that it takes time to get the hang of this instrument. The best thing you can do is continue to practice and soon, you will reap the rewards of hard work and focus.
Kevin is the publisher and editor of musicianhome.com, a site that provides information and articles for musicians at all stages of their development. Download a free introductory guitar course also.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tips For A Beginner On Learning To Play The Guitar

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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Anyone who wants to learn how to play the guitar can easily learn how to do it.

Quitting too early is the problem that most newbies have. The reason why they give up is because they find that it is too difficult and they quit trying hard enough to learn how to play the instrument.

Practice is essential in learning how to play any instrument, including the guitar. Most new guitar players give the excuses that their fingers hurt or they do not have time to practice as their reason for quitting guitar, rather than the true reason of not practicing as much as they should. Practice makes perfect and many people do not want to put the time into practicing that is needed.

If you want to learn how to play the guitar, here are a few tips for you to keep in mind:

1. Get the best guitar that your budget can afford

You will learn easier and faster if you have a quality instrument to learn on. You don't have to buy the most expensive one, but you do need to do your research to find a quality guitar that fits your budget.

A quality guitar will sound better and feel better to even an inexperienced guitar player. They can also give you an added incentive to learn how to play because you enjoy the feel and sound of the guitar.

2. Practice, Practice, Practice

You need to practice every day for best results. It is really the ONLY way for you to learn how to play the guitar comfortably and well.

3. Learning by Yourself

In many cases, it may be easier for you to learn how to play by yourself. You can then learn at your own pace and at your own comfort.

You will still need an instructor, but learning the basics will be much easier on your own and then you can find an instructor to help you learn how to play the guitar.

The most important thing for you to do is to get started. After you become comfortable and familiar with the guitar, then it is time to find an instructor. You can learn to play the guitar as easy as 1-2-3. You just need to be interested in it enough to stick with it through the ups and downs.

Andrew McNaught is a successful webmaster and publisher of Guitar Playing Advice where you can learn much more about playing the guitar.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Learn Guitar

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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Monday, December 3, 2007

How Yo Learn Any Song In Under 30 Minutes With Your Guitar

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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I remember when I got my first guitar. My mother came strolling in to the house with a guitar case, smiled, and sat it down about 15 feet away from me. I instantly ran over to find my very first Washburn guitar. I quickly began to "play" my new baby...

Just for reference, my version of playing the guitar was laying the body flat on it's back like a slide guitar so I could see what I was doing... Oh man those were the days!

My first adventure in to a song was Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here. I went to the search engine and had no idea what a tab was or even how to begin searching for one.

Finally I began to put two and two together and found a version of Pink Floyd's Wish You Were here from MXTabs.net way back before they got shut down =(

To make a long story short, I broke a sweat out of frustration in less than 5 minutes, put my guitar back in it's case and went back to playing my video games. That was back then...

This is now...

Guitar tabs look like perfect english to me now, but at the time when I was starting out I couldn't make sense of anything. It looked like another foreign language to me! My friends laughed when they watched my fingers try to play a song in the most ridiculous way imaginable. I was just trying to do what the tab told me to do, but the tab didn't tell me what finger position to play in, or if there were any helpful tricks to make it easier on my hands! I was getting tired of this dead end approach to improve my skills.

Here is my point: Guitar tab sucked then and it sucks now. I'm still waiting for the pioneer that fixes this problem for the masses...

Dane Maxwell & Paul Johnson produce guitar video tabs for popular songs and artists. Developed out of a need to help their students, the idea is still in its infancy and has yet to prove itself as a viable solution to guitar players around the world.

Tabs Cause Confusion.

Eliminate the guess work, welcome to the revolution of guitar lessons on your time

Visit guitargrind.com for a free sample

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Learning How To Play Guitar Online

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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Do you know why music is so awesome and unique?

Because no one can take it from you. Whats even more awesome is that you can make music your own. Haven't you ever thought of having a hit song, or releasing an album? I know most of those thoughts are just dreams and kind of far fetched, but the truth is you don't have to be famous in order to play or write your own music.

One of the most popular instruments these days is the guitar. It seems like everywhere you look there's another person playing guitar. This is really good, but the problem is that a lot of these "guitar players" don't have any guidence, and either end up quitting or just never getting any better.

If you are interested in learning guitar, or perhaps you already play guitar, but are looking for some tips, then please read on. Below are several very helpful tips thats can help a newbie with learning guitar.

1. Don't expect to be some kind of amazing guitar player overnight! It just doesn't happen that way. Like most things, learning guitar takes time and you must be patient. The more you practice the better.

2. Start off slow. Don't rush yourself, and don't drive yourself crazy if you don't get something right the first, second, or third time. It may take you a hundred times to get a riff right. The important thing is that you start off slow. Example: If you found a new riff, or chord progression that you like, start off practicing very slow. It may seem tedious, but it helps tremendously. Once you start adjusting to the riff, start increasing the speed.

3. Practice chord changes. One of the worst things to me is watching someone struggle to change between simple chords. Make sure to get these chord changes down. This will make everything so much easier in the long run.

4. One of my favorite things to do is to practice on an acoustic guitar. This strengthens your fingers greatly, and helps build speed.

5. Listen to lots of music. Any kind of music is ok. Then, just try and figure out whatever you're listening to on guitar. Even if you only get in a couple of notes or chords, thats ok. This technique will help with your musical ear. Then after enough practice you'll be able to pick up a song on the radio in no time.

I wish I could help you more, but unfortuneately thats about as good as I can do within an article.

I highly advise taking lessons. I know that taking lessons can cost a lot of money, but with technology these days you can take guitar lessons online for way cheaper. Usually a one time fee around $40 or $50. There are some really great programs out there that I highly recommend. Guitar Tutor Pro is an internet course that teaches guitar lessons online. If you're looking for a program that covers the basics, scales, chords, reading music, theory, and more then this is the site for you.

Zachary Parme is a professional guitar player who performs and teaches for a living. To view information and reviews on recommended products for Guitar Lessons Online you may visit www.yourproductplace.com/Learn-Guitar

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