5 Tips To Learn To Play Guitar Online - Free Ecourse
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5 Tips To Learn To Play Guitar Online
Learning to play guitar or any musical instrument is always a test of a person's true determination. Inspiration sparks the idea but persistance needs to carry it through.
Getting off to a good start is so important but can be confusing as there is now so much choice. There are a number of vendors we can visit to learn to play guitar online but which one is right for the new student?
In my experience, you want lessons that fully utilise as much multimedia as possible that engages and interacts with the student that wants to learn to play guitar online. Just so it can mimick what a normal guitar tutor would usually do for a student.
Tip 1:
I believe video lessons are essential so a student can view how his chordal and strumming technique should be when you learn to play guitar online. This would closer emulate a traditional guitar lesson situation rather than trying to figure things out from a book.
Tip 2:
Software or games that develop a students basic understanding of music theory is also highly recommended. Basic music theory will certainly open the doors to understand why you do certain things with regards to keys and scales.
Tip 3:
Also the ability to develop rock solid timing is important in my book. Generally, alot of students aren't used to this kind of performing because they have been used to practising in 'freetime'.
Tip 4:
Any additional backing music that a student can play along to that emulates a band environment is a huge bonus. This is what transitions a guitarist from the bedroom into the practise room with the greatest of ease so any program that incorporates a metronome is a tremendous asset to the student.
Tip 5:
Anything that helps to develop the 'musical ear' when you learn to play guitar online should be a factor as well. It's the recognition of subtle nuances in pitch and performance that can really speed up the learning process.
A nice extra when you learn to play guitar online is if the lessons include a guitar tuner of some sort. In the early stages, a student's musical ear isn't that developed and tuning a guitar can be a real hassle. Definitely a nice bonus.
As a tutor, I've found the Jamorama course does a great job to cover all the tips above in one package and is tremendous value.
Free Jamorama Introductory Course
Jamorama provides a free 6 part e-course which includes audio and video content along with music learning software. It's definitely worth signing up just for this alone.
You can visit Jamorama here to learn alot more about them and the great lessons package they provide.
Thank you for reading:
5 Tips To Learn To Play Guitar Online
Chris Yong is guitar tutor and professional musician based in New Zealand. Please visit http://www.redlinemusic.co.nz.
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