Learn Guitar Online Lessons

Friday, November 23, 2007

Learn How to read Guitar Sheet Music and Play Guitar Like a Pro

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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Over the last few decades guitar playing had proved to be one of the more popular hobbies. Not only to teens but also for matured adults as well.

Maybe because guitar playing is not only fun and thrilling, but very intellectual too. If an academic genius is sharpened by reading books, a musical genius primarily uses his ears. And guitar is a great instrument to start learning with.

For beginners, one helpful way to learn how to play a guitar is by the use of a guitar sheet music. This music sheet serves as a guide to the correct placement of fingers in the fretboard to create a certain sound.

Guitar sheet music is more commonly referred to as Guitar Tablature.

Primarily, every song is composed of chords and every chord is composed of two or more notes. So basically, you shift the position of your fingers each time the chord changes. It is the rhythm and harmony that creates the melody and the music.

This guitar sheet music can be found in a song book or included in guitar kits upon purchase of the guitar instrument, or better yet, purchase a guitar music sheet that you feel is easy to learn.

To start with, choose a song that is familiar to you and which contains chords that are accessible to your greenhorn fingers.

As a beginner, you must be patient enough to be familiar with every shifting and positioning of your fingers. Take it slowly and attentively. Listen. The major sense organ that will be of use is your sense of hearing. First, listen to the radio or to a CD player for timing and phasing.

The music sheet cannot show you how fast or slow you need to strum so listen carefully as the song is played. If you can find a tutor, he can guide you with this matter, but if not, you have to learn it yourself. It will be helpful that you find a convenient place for you to practice on, a place away from distractions and noise.

One tip: Learn to play an entire song before moving on to the next. It may be hard at first but being able to play an entire song will help boost your confidence.

It is when you can play the whole song in the absence of the guitar music sheet that you will appreciate the accomplishment. And then the more you are learning, the more that you want to learn other songs. Who knows, sooner or later you may even write your own masterpiece!

A great website to help you learn to play guitar is called Jamorama which can be found at: http://www.Top65.com/a/?l=2

Lee Anderson is an Internet Research Analyst who researches and writes on many topics.

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