Learn Guitar Online Lessons

Friday, November 30, 2007

Can You Really Learn Guitar By Yourself

Simple Step By Step Guitar Lesson. If You Cant Learn GUITAR From This Lesson Then You Cant Learn Guitar Anymore


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Since the guitar is probably one of the most popular instruments in the world, there are plenty of people who want to learn it. And whenever there?s a student, there?s a teacher.

It?s true that there are many guitar teachers out there who believe the only way to properly learn guitar is through a teacher. And to some extent, I sympathise with them. There?s so many ways to learn guitar nowadays, it can be hard for a guitar teacher to make a living.

Taking guitar lessons from a teacher is definitely one of the quickest ways to learn (as long as you have a good teacher) but it?s also one of the most expensive.

Now we have the internet, a large proportion of guitarists are teaching themselves to play. But the problem with learning this way is that it can be a little hit and miss. You need some structure to learn the basic foundations of guitar playing. Sometimes this is why it?s a good idea to have a few lessons from a teacher to get the basics down, before you go off on your own.

There are plenty of famous guitarists who are well known for teaching themselves how to play guitar. But if you dig a little deeper, one of the common threads that ties all these guitarists together is how they learnt to develop their ear. Back in the old days, people would learn to play guitar by listening to records and copying the sound. This is, in my opinion, very significant.

Learning by ear is pretty rare nowadays, seeing as people can just hop online and learn the ?tab? of a song. But this means they aren?t developing their ear? which is a very important part of becoming a good guitarist. It?s also quite slow and time consuming (at least at first), but if you have a true passion for guitar, you will be able to stick with it through the tough beginning.

There are also a lot of books and DVDs on the market aimed at helping you learn guitar by yourself. Some of these are very helpful, but few of them teach you ?everything? you need to know. They rarely lay a solid foundation of musical knowledge. Instead, they focus on specific styles and techniques of guitar playing.

If your goals as a guitarist aren?t highly advanced, then it?s quite possible to learn guitar by yourself. If you want to just strum a few chords, for example, you probably won?t need months of lessons.

But if you want to master guitar, then sometimes lessons are the best way to learn. Just make sure you find a good teacher who understands what your goals are.

With either option you take, never forget to develop your ear. A good ear is what separates many average guitarists from good guitarists. Just remember that scales are the means, not the end. If you ever feel like your playing is stuck in a rut, then ear training could easily be the thing that permanently lifts you out of it.

I hope you find my advice useful when you?re deciding whether you should take guitar lessons or not. It?s certainly not a requirement to being a great guitarist.

David Taylor is owner of the Guitar Secrets Blog, where he gives free advice on all aspects of playing the guitar, as well as free guitar lessons online. Be sure to visit his blog to see the guitar in a whole new light.

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